Sunday, June 11, 2006

Terror had struck me, but all I could see is your soft skin...

What a day.

Twenty four hours have come and gone and I am finally home, resting, waiting for sleep to gather me up and take over.

I don't think I can begin to describe what a fulfilling day I have just experienced. So instead I am just going to post a short list. A list of the things I am thankful for today. Things that, in my weary mind, as the day comes to an end, mean a lot to me.

  • girls with blinders on. They remind you what it is to live, with their crafty ways.
  • worlds colliding. Its about time and needs to happen more often.
  • a bunch of kids that work their asses off every day. I hope I can be good enough for you.
  • caring touches when you least expect them. We should all be so lucky.
  • finding community where one least expects it. It makes it all seem more worthwhile.
  • friends offering you something you need when you don't know you need it. That's why they are friends.
  • swinging bats and catching balls. Remember what it was like to be a kid?
  • a happy tired. The lack of sleep is irrelevant. If I could do with even less to experience even more, I would. In a heartbeat.
  • the joy of a reaching a mutual decision while staring into a wood fire. The thought still makes me smile.

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