Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am shorn!

Its all gone. I should have done something for charity, but I just felt like doing it today.

Moustache... gone!
Goatee... gone!!
Head... gone!!!

Well not quite, the head is about a centimetre long.

Now I need a new profile picture.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I am not the best friend

I am generally a poor friend. I, routinely, don't call people or make plans or invite people over. This is very strange as I know I have a number of friends. And I truly care quite deeply about every single person I call a friend.

When I am at home, I behave a lot like a shut in. Oftentimes, I will avoid answering the telephone simply because I don't want to talk to anyone. The contradiction is that I desperately wish people would call me more often.

I am not too sure this is that healthy, but who knows.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I've decided to create another one

So, here is my second blog. I decided to create this second one as a place where I can store my thoughts about things unrelated to meatloaf.

This one will probably get a little more personal, but I hope not offend.