Friday, June 02, 2006

And you can be my sugar, be my cherry cola...

Do crushes change as we get older?

What does everyone think?

I think yes, but I have heard some dissenting voices lately.

When was the last time you crushed badly on someone? Remembering back was it different from when you were 15? How about 20? What about 25?

I would like to know.


Anonymous said...

you sent me introspecting, reminiscing. i hope you are happy.

spezbaby said...

Darlin', I am always happy when people think.

Anonymous said...

in some ways yes
and in other ways no
I think the essence of a crush remains the same
it's how we perceive it or how we allow it to affect us that changes...sometimes we'll allow it to grab hold taking us on a wild ride
and other times we are guarded, protecting that which has been broken one too many times

spezbaby said...

As distracting an answer as that is, I must write something.

Crushes to me are always one sided. Anything reciprocated is something else.

A crush is putting someone you barely know on a pedestal, stepping back, looking with longing, and dwelling on your thoughts of love or lust.

It generally isn't real and is usually very selfish.

But it also makes up some of our most powerful memories. It is part of growing up, but never seems to wither with age, only change.

But how is it different?

Miss Julia J said...

Crushes keep me alive. My crushes were something Kevin had to get used to very early on. Crushes are wonderful and good for the imagination. You have to exercise your imagination as you get older. Crushes are also good for one’s sex life; solo or with a partner. Hooray for Crushes! Never stop crushing on people. (Esp. your significant other.) Never stop crushing on a good crush, either. They can be excellent fantasy material for years to come. (Both sexual and otherwise) The worst part about a crush is losing one. Sometimes your crush does something to blast away the bubble of fantasy you had surrounding them and when reality sets in it can be very disappointing. Like seeing a crush yawn really big. Gross. That happened to me in the 7th grade. I was infatuated with an 8th grader named Kael. He was so super dreamy. One day from the cello section I saw him yawn over his violin. That was the end of Kael. Too bad, he was so cute. Too cute. A good solid crush should ebb and flow. Just let it be enjoyable and it’ll last years. But if you’re just straight up in love with someone you eventually have to come clean and stop alluding to it. In the end it’s just easier on both of you to lay your cards on the table.

Miss Julia J said...

ha ha. Just as I posted that some song about having a crush on a girl came on my Pandora radio.