Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I just need a spaceship to get me outta here...

The roomies left for Ottawa this afternoon while I was at work.

I knew it was coming, but I thought they would leave a note or something. It is like they were abducted by aliens.

It is an odd sensation to come home to a house, once full, now empty of poeple but not their stuff. I love it, but it is giving me the willies. This may be accentuated by the sense of mania I have been suffering from since the onset of the full moon.

Who knows?

One thing for sure. I have been down right giddy the last couple of days. Giddy is the only fitting description. So giddy it is.

A number of you have probably never seen me giddy. It is very dangerous as I become immediate trouble. Trouble to myself and my neighbours. You see when I get giddy, I really start talking out of my ass. My mouth starts writing cheques my ass can't cash. Luckily, I haven't gotten into any arguments or really hurt anyone's feelings yet, but I imagine it may happen soon. Just warnin' yah.

1 comment:

Miss Julia J said...

You're so cute.
I'm picking up Deadwood Season 2 at lunch today. I hope it's as good as the first.
Thanks for coming to the party!
You seem happy and it is just wonderful.