Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Buddy System

Growing up, this was incredibly important to me and all my friends. The buddy system was our "social safety net" whereby we always knew who was taking care of whom.

Newfoundland is a dangerous place for a teenager. Most young people from 'up-along' wouldn't have the where-with-all to deal with the drinking and drugs. But the 'Buddy' system mitigated the damage we allowed to happen to each other. It made us better friends.

And it lasted. We always took care of our own. Ten years after the enacting of the first buddy system, here I am watching over a little too drunk friend. It isn't a chore. It isn't a problem. He is my Buddy and I am happy to take care of him.


Miss Julia J said...

Aww... That's too Sweet, P.

Miss Julia J said...

Wait, did I just call you Sweet Pea?