I have just put my second house guest to bed. The first dropped horizontal about 15 minutes ago, now I am alone for a few hours until we go for breakfast.
30 days, or so, was bandied around this evening. Then we went for drinks and dinner before they went to the peelers. Four days on the road makes a fella' strange. 30 days of having two extra bodies living in my house. No chance of inviting someone home, because it's not that big of a house. It is pleasant and I like my front room. It is a great front room to entertain in. I love to show it off at the end of a date. Visitors appreciate it. Comfortable couch, arm chair, lamp. Indirect lighting and quite homey. It rocks.
Now, I have two beasts, albeit rent paying beasts, ranging from corner to corner. Looking for beer, rolling, picking things up and putting them down 2 feet further on. Two beasts leaving their mark, not drinking my port, but leaving their mark nonetheless.
But, God, it is good to have them back in the city.
finger 11! i win!
Well done. You rock, as do Finger 11. The question is, 'What about the rest of the titles?"
I’ve acquired quite a taste for a well-made mistake...
-Fiona Apple's 'A Mistake'. Freaking LOVE that cd!
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