Friday, May 12, 2006

Grown man tactics; no pediatrics

The roomies got to me last night. I have been feeling a little under the weather; rundown as it were. So I tried to go to bed at a decent hour last night. IMing with some friends made the hour a little less decent then I hoped, but I was in bed by 1:30am. Decent for me.


Fell alseep sometime around 2am. Which is good, 'cause I haven't been sleeping very well lately.

A little after 3am, the roomies struck. I am woken to a heated argument about which hamburger is better, McDonald's or Burger King. Goddammit, I say to myself while I lie back and wait for it to end.

The argument continues. The patio door opens long enough for the argument to blow outside. Then back in again. Wait a minute. There are three voices. What the hell, who else is here?

Close to 4am, I have had enough. I stomp up, put on my robe and head down the stairs.

Lying in wait, perched at different points on my sectional, are now three old friends from home. All pretending to be asleep. Then they start to giggle. Three grown men, all in their thirties giggling like characters from a japanese cartoon. They can't stop.

"Its his fault. He's loud" one of them says between giggled breaths.

"Boys, you had to pick this f'in room. Ten feet below my head"

More giggles.

"Any other goddamn room."

"Its good to see ya, Pete." the new arrival says holding out his hand. "Its been a long time. Sorry about this"

I haven't seen him in 10 years.

"F' this," I say shaking his hand before I stomp back upstairs.

The next morning I come down for coffee before work. There he is, the newcomer, passed out on my other couch.

Like a hung-over cherub in the fetal position.

Godammit, they're breeding.

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