I have been told that my last entry didn't make any sense. That it contained english words without any attention paid to the rules of grammar. That it was insane.
This may be true.
The intent wasn't for everyone to understand. It was for one person. And I think they did. If not, they will get in touch.
On the house guest front. New developments. Tonight, I walked into a house so blue with smoke I wanted to butcher it and put it on the grill (mixed metaphor?). It reaked of skunk. To my surprise, moving into the sitting room, I found the two of them fast asleep on my couch. One, upright, jay in hand, waiting for a light. The other stretched out, hoodie up over his head, waiting for something exciting to happen on the chat line infomercial.
I stood there for minutes. Waiting.
They could have been dead if I wanted.
Until one of them awoke, 'Hey man, you just getting home?'
'Yeah, you been smoking in the house?'
'Nah, man, that is just residual off us.'
'You sure?'
'Yeah man'
'You want me to turn the light off?'
'What about the TV?'
"Nah man, we need some sound'
Day four.
But they tidied.
you have strange friends. is this an east coast thing?
no. I think it is a pothead thing.
i... never thought you the type to have pothead friends. i'm utterly kerflummuxed. i'm resigning several identites of you all suddenly mushed together. it's interesting. like a jigsaw puzzle!
Is all the beer gone??
No, there is some left, but there were a dozen and a half empties on the counter.
You're like the best host ever...
FYI...too much manchu wok is a bad thing. :(
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