Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And when the word gets out it will get old

Just a straw poll, who here thinks I'm dangerous?

Just wondering.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the people who seem to be the most dangerous are the least. Consequently, those who seem the least dangerous are the most.

But to answer your question. I can't help but crap out and refuse to provide a decisive answer. But I guess in my non-answer, I've answered.

Anonymous said...

but perhaps you'd like us to think otherwise?

Anonymous said...

na you're not
at least i dont think so

Kim Carter said...

generally no, but i guess you really only let a couple/few ppl know you when you were working at TEC. You could be one of those time bomb ppl, just waiting to go off. so maybe you have the potential to be dangerous.

Anonymous said...


: )