Saturday, April 29, 2006

Something glorious is about to happen...

So, in a fit of self examination and boredom, I have secularized the definition of a monk.

This is how it turned out. Go figure.
monk (mŭngk)
- a male living in a place devoted to seclusion and devoting himself to contemplation, work and earnest requests to a higher power.


Anonymous said...

Supply me with your higher power then...

Anonymous said...

do monks dance? to bloc party and/or prince? wearing a neon yellow glowstick halo?

spezbaby said...

Hip monks do.

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha okay.

my blog emigrated. happy hunting. you owe me words of wisdom - i feel jipped.

spezbaby said...

Was that Yoda enough for you?

It took me 10 seconds to find the new one. There is no try; do or do not.