Something I never understood. It stuck with me from then until now and bothered me for the whole time.
Understandably, there were only three options. Women are women are women.
But I thought I would have had a little support.
Why did no one take up my flag?
Did no one say, "Are you an idiot? He's a great guy. You'd be stupid to look somewhere else."
But I guess there were only three options. They either didn't think that I was any good for you, or they just wanted to be supportive and couldn't tell you what they thought, or they didn't include me in the equation at all.
My friends said everything under the sun; one extreme to the next.
But yours.
What did they say?
Women tend to be supportive, above all else. Decision made, words reinforce.
I can hear it now, "Do what makes you happy. If you are not sure, you should figure it out. etc, etc, etc."
The more I wait, the more I realize something that was clear to me before, but became obscured as time went on.
I am a pretty good person. I have my faults, but on a whole I am worth it. I would make you happy, if you would let me. If the world would let me.
But this isn't about me, which is something none of your friends may have said. I am not the one failing here.
I am just a boy. A boy who tries, everyday, to be better and to take the high road and treat people with kindness and respect. A boy who would make a good husband, a great father and an eternal friend. Someone who is smart, funny, loyal and strong.
Which is how I sit. I am not going to devolve. This is who I am and I am only going to get better, not worse.
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