Monday, October 15, 2007

Half awake in a fake empire...

Happy at home, happy at work. I didn't see any of this coming, but that is when it usually does.

L keeps pointing out the little noises I have been making when puttering around. She finds them a little annoying; cute, but a little annoying.

I have noticed that I have been doing it at work as well, walking around the stacks 'beep-booping' or 'dee-doo dooing' to myself with a little wry smile on my face.

Music in my head, I guess. Much better than grim thoughts and worries.

Much better.


quidditee said...

much better than a furrowed brow
a gloomy pout
or a growl

Anonymous said...

it's funny to think of you dee-dee-dooing around the stacks; incongruous to the sometimes curmudgeonly, sarcastic peter we fondly remember...

i'm happy you're happy!