Saturday, January 07, 2006

Theme Music

I don't know how many of you have ever seen I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka, but it is a fun movie. If you don't know it is a send-up of any and all blacksplotation films., but done by the Wayans brothers.

The key scene that stuck out for me for years was the young protagonist asks the O.G. who the guys following behind him were. His answer, as you'd expect, was, "Oh, they're my theme music."

Everyone has some, but rarely is it shared. In retail, we often think about it. We control a small area for small amounts of time and always is there music playing. One of my fellow managers suggested we always take the floor with our theme music playing. It is a great idea on paper.

Wrestlers have it, so why not everyone else!

What kinda of world would we live in if everyone was followed by their theme musc? It would be insanity. Imagine if, for each mood you had, a different rendition of your theme music would play. Wake up in the morning - a quiet mix; walk out and face the day - a powerful mix; get dumped - a sympathetic mix.

But there are 4 billion people on this planet. That would be cacophony. No one could hear themselves think. Not to mention the embarrassment of bumping into someopne that had your taste in Death Metal.


pol said...

i believe we discussed something like this at a jays game last summer - ie: what music would you have playing when you came up to bat? for me it's too hard to narrow it down...sabbath?...steve earle?...the man in black?...

Miss Julia J said...

We did discuss that. I still like the opening of 'Hypnotize' by Notorius B.I.G. It’s always a good one. K and I were trying to decide on music to play during the "introducing Mr. & Mrs" portion of the wedding and I felt that Hypnotize was THE song right there. 'Cuz then we could just break out into some sweet booty dancing and have everyone turning to each other saying "Wow, they're awesome"

God, I'm bored today.

Anonymous said...

I've been having serious internal debate over this and I can't decide between Hell's Bells by AC/DC and Nuthin But a G Thang by Dr. Dre and Snoop.

I know there's something obvious I'm leaving out too...


Anonymous said...

when I am at work it's got to be Slave to the Wage by Placebo, how obvious is that. My quite time would ne Heartbeat by Jose Gonzalas. I ofter watch out the window when I travel, bus, train, car, and if their isn't music playing, I try to think of what would be a good soundtrack to that particular trip. Chemical Brothers almost always works.