And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie - I saw this discounted in a bookstore and realized I didn't have any money. A week later I went back and got it. I had never read Agatha Christie and boy was that a mistake. Its a little dated but that lady was twisted.
This blog is a simple repository of thoughts, opinions and ideas that from time to time traverse my much under used synapses.
Friday, April 29, 2011
He avoided looking at the sheeted figure lying on the bed.
52 Book Challenge

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Returning to the slaughterhouse with a cast on his left hand...
Facing Ali by Stephen Brunt - I have been on a real Muhammad Ali kick lately. I heard quite a bit about this one years ago and thought it might be very interesting. A whole bunch of Ali's opponents were interviewed about their thoughts of the Greatest Of All Time.
52 Book Challenge

Friday, April 15, 2011
I'll hope that's not a metaphor.
The Bricklayer by Noah Boyd - Read this one because of work. Pretty good action-adventure thriller starring ex-FBI agent, now bricklayer, Steve Vail and his dealings with the nefarious Rubaco Pentad. Pretty disposable, but not a complete waste.
52 Book Challenge

Friday, April 08, 2011
One of the drinks on the tray will be a Pink Lady.
The Natural by Bernard Malamud - Baseball!! Yup, baseball season has started, so I read a classic of baseball fiction. I remember seeing the film on a ferry as a kid, but I think I saw it more than once. The film has a heck of a lot more magic/mythic qualities. In the book, Roy Hobbs is a whole lot more of a douche. Still, who doesn't want a bat named Wonderboy that was carved out of a tree cleeved by lightning?
52 Book Challenge

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