Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unless she crossed legit, or she's been here the whole time.

The City & The City by China Mieville - Book club pick! Interesting premise about two cities that evolved overlapping and how the two populations unsee each other. Couple this with a middling murder mystery and you have a mildly entertaining read. Not quite sci fi and not really a mystery. Quite arresting in places, but the first 80 or so pages are a slog.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Like many of the comics in this book, I am lying.

Comic Art Propaganda: A Graphic History by Fredrik Stromberg - An overview of comic art as it was used as propaganda throughout hundred or so years. Not overly informative, more of a list of 'see how this was used here' references. I would have prefered more history and impact, but it was ok. At least it reminded me of Reagan's Raiders which I had forgotten about. And the image of the Golden Age Dare Devil whacking a giant Hitler in the face with a boomerang still sits with me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Holding chopsticks all alone - the snow keeps falling

Love Haiku: Japanese Poems of Yearning, Passion, and Rememberance by Patricia Donegan - Valentine's Book! I love haiku. But more so modern haiku that breaks away from the connection to nature. This is a slim book collecting a bunch of Japanese haiku relating to love. They are translated into english, but the author doesn't bother to convert them into English haiku, which was kinda disappointing. Just goes to show: Never send a buddhist to do a poet's job.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Demography may be involved.

Bestsellers: A Very Short Introduction by John Sutherland - One of the many titles in Oxford's A Very Short Introduction series. I was intrigued by the contents because of work, but I think I needed something a little more robust. There are some interesting tidbits, but overall not much more than a book of lists.