Earlier this week I was contacted by an old friend. A guy I used to run with in high school. We chased girls and got drunk together, hung out and generally got up to no good. For a time, he was a good friend, probably one of my better ones. We drifted apart. He was in the army reserves and had some pals from that. I was an indie kid.
Last I heard he did a tour in Bosnia, with the peacekeepers, and I bumped into him after he got back. He had changed in a way I would never understand. You could see it in his eyes.
I haven't seen him in 15 years. and he emailed me this week. He is still in the army, only now most of his unit is in Afghanistan. And I am in Canada, waiting for the sixth soldier's name to be released. 'Cause now that I know he is alive, I'm really hoping he doesn't end up dead.