Thursday, December 27, 2007

One night to be confused...

Here they are, my 2007 picks:

Top 10 Albums of 2007 (alphabetically):

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
The Besnard Lakes - The Besnard Lkes are Dark Horse
Clientele - God Save the Clientele
Jose Gonzalez - Veneer
Kings of Leon - Because of the Times
Miracle Fortress - Miracle Fortress
The National – Boxer
Sea Wolf - Leaves In The River
Shout Out Louds - Our Ill Wills
Young Galaxy - Young Galaxy

Honourable Mentions:

Feist - The Reminder
The Go Find - Stars On the Wall
Joel Plaskett Emergency - Ashtray Rock
Justice - Cross
Led Zeppelin – Mothership
New Young Pony Club - Fantastic Playroom
The Sea & Cake - Everybody
She Wants Revenge - She Wants Revenge
Shiny Toy Guns - We Are Pilots

Ah caught you smiling at me, that's the way it should be...

this house...

this room...

this bed...


are less

without you here.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Half awake in a fake empire...

Happy at home, happy at work. I didn't see any of this coming, but that is when it usually does.

L keeps pointing out the little noises I have been making when puttering around. She finds them a little annoying; cute, but a little annoying.

I have noticed that I have been doing it at work as well, walking around the stacks 'beep-booping' or 'dee-doo dooing' to myself with a little wry smile on my face.

Music in my head, I guess. Much better than grim thoughts and worries.

Much better.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Come full circle

Fed at Ghazale, we have returned to the beginning and the Ice House.
The Japan Foundation has a very nice washroom. Also, lots of paintings of women with big hats.
Desperately looking for a place to pee.

Taking a break after meeting Djon and his new mexican amiga.

L making art during our walk.

Event Horizon was a really bad movie...

Quick stop at a huge installation that looked like a cheap knock off of an X-Files episode. L desperately wanted to get a photo of a young punk holding a white balloon, backlit by the giant flood lights, but we weren't quick enough.

Hart House 'Night School'

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Awakening the Electronic Forest is quiet and respectful, but more like a forest of people.

ROM?!? More like a ZOO

L is as cute as a stuffed bear.
Got off the train at Bay and tried to get to the installation under the station. Transit cops yelled at everyone to get out and join the line. Wow, what a huge line.

Inside the ice house at bloor and lansdowne

From the phone

Nuit blanche is tonight. L and I are wandering the streets. I am going to try my best to keep this going all night.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

"A very close friend of mine once told me that the most important things in life happen when you're just hanging out. What I think she meant was, well, you can have a good time with just about anyone on a roller coaster, or at the Super Bowl, or in Vegas. But its really how you feel in the little moments that count. If you find someone who makes you laugh when you're standing in line at the DMV, or when you're sick with the flu, or who you can still have fun with while, say, having a heated debate about the pros and cons of wedding appetizers, well, that's something."
- David J. Rosen

Friday, August 31, 2007

Every minute more unprepared...

mi muchacha caliente
¿adónde usted ha ido?
tus ojos han perdido su fuego
tus palabras han perdido su canción
¿adónde usted ha ido?
mi muchacha caliente

Thursday, July 05, 2007

"And when you ask them, how much should we give?"

Earlier this week I was contacted by an old friend. A guy I used to run with in high school. We chased girls and got drunk together, hung out and generally got up to no good. For a time, he was a good friend, probably one of my better ones. We drifted apart. He was in the army reserves and had some pals from that. I was an indie kid.

Last I heard he did a tour in Bosnia, with the peacekeepers, and I bumped into him after he got back. He had changed in a way I would never understand. You could see it in his eyes.

I haven't seen him in 15 years. and he emailed me this week. He is still in the army, only now most of his unit is in Afghanistan. And I am in Canada, waiting for the sixth soldier's name to be released. 'Cause now that I know he is alive, I'm really hoping he doesn't end up dead.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Some times life just throws you a curve ball.

What can you do?

Monday, May 07, 2007

"You were incredible then, more so now"

I have been reminiscing today. Inspite of having a load of work to do, I just can't get focused on. Other, happier, thoughts keep clouding my mind. I can't believe its been a year. A year of roommates, new job, new love.

Respect and admiration has shifted, from my old crew to a new bunch of kids, all of whom work incredibly hard. I have found my stride and their acceptance, both of which I am glad for.

I lost one of my guests, but as I thought, seem to have kept the other one forever.

And L, L has made me smile at least once every day for the past year. Her ideas and passion, insecurities and fears, they all just make me want to drop what I am doing, where ever I am, and grab hold of her, tightly.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

what can I say to make this better...

walking between cars
avoiding the people
talking 'cross aisles
leaning on poles
going home
to their warm beds
and the bodies that
share them.

a night of revelry
just past
telling tells
laughing at memories
drinking to old, old friends
all the while thinking of her
and the missteps made
that got us here

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

'The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves'

Today is Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras or Pancake Day, depending on your faith and/or geography.

So, this evening, I will be cooking up some pancakes.

In Newfoundland, we have a tradition where we hide things in the pancakes, like pennies, rings, or other trade related items. What you find in your pancake supposedly divines your future. A penny means you will be rich, a thimble and you will be a tailor, a ring and you will marry, etc. It is a fun tradition, especially with kids.

So, pancakes are on the menu. Personally, I prefer savoury to sweet in the evening so I may make some potato/zucchini pancakes, but having some fruit and berries around for the sweeter variety will invariably happen, too.

My question for all of you that I haven't alienated and still read this thing is, what kind of pancake would make you most happy on Shrove Tuesday?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

things I didn't and did do with my girl on valentine's day

things I didn't do...
  1. make plans to do something special. ( my volleyball team came first I'm afraid, so we didn't make plans per se, but I was off work and she called in to work to tell them she was taking a Snow Day! So we get to spend the whole day together.)
  2. get her flowers. ( I got her flowers two weeks ago 'cause she was having a rough day. They are still in a vase at her house, somehow magically still appearing fresh and alive.)
  3. buy her a card. (Buy a card?!? I got out the crayons and glue and made her one! She says she wants to frame it.)
  4. take her out to dinner. (see #1 above, but I did make her dinner last night and gave her leftovers to take to work today which she can eat tomorrow [see #1 above again]. I did take her out for brunch today. We bundled up and trundled through the snow only to find that Tasty Restaurant is closed down so we went to Butler's Pantry and it was only ok, but the company was phenomenal!)
  5. get her chocolates. (ok, I did buy her chocolates. She loves these Hedgehog things from this Vancouver chocolatier called Purdy's. Strangely enough one of the few places you can get them in Ontario is in Oakville, go figure.)
  6. get her a present. (yeah, I did this one too. My cat snagged one of L's sweaters the other day and L was sad, because it was one of her favourites for work and stuff so I went out looking for a replacement. That, I couldn't find, but I found a couple that would look cute on her and that she could wear to work so I got them. She says she likes them, but the gift she got me was way better.)
All in all, not your typical valentine's day, but I think it was a success nonetheless. She does look very cute across the room lying on my couch reading her book and drinking chai while she thinks I am writing performance reviews for work. Very cute, indeed. Only 8 more to go, so back at it.

As an aside, everyone should check out the latest issue of Walrus. There is a really funny mock email chain between God and St. Patrick about Patrick's annoyance with how his holy day has become signified by people puking green lager. Also, St. Valentine gets a nod.

It is short so don't bother buying the magazine, just go to you friendly local bookstore or newstand and stand there and pretend to browse until some grumpy employee yells, "Hey buddy, this ain't a library!" Or just go to the library.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

a few simple reasons why I like the girl that I like...

  • When we barely knew one another she travelled half way across the country just to spend some time with me. Months later, her eyes still light up when talking about it.
  • When she was sleepy and I sang her a made up lullaby she told me I was cute although we both knew it wasn't very good.
  • She doesn't complain about the temperature of my house. She just just smiles and reminds me how much more fun it is to snuggle in the cold.
  • She spent her lunch hour shopping for a down filled pillow to bring to my house. It is here in the bed next to me, all cozy and inviting, modeling her pyjamas, when she isn't.
  • Lying on my couch, cuddling my cat, she pretends to have conversations. They seem to be discussing me, but neither one ever tells what was said.
  • She has a bunch of pet names for me, each with a look and meaning, which she seems to use at exactly the perfect time, everytime.
  • Standing at a concert, leaning forward on her tip toes to see, she brushed her hand across my leg to make sure I was still there.
  • Her dresser has a whole drawer just for hats and mitts.

Friday, February 02, 2007

A long time coming...

I can't believe it took me this long to do this. February 2nd, ritual vermin worshiping and my brother's b-day, and I have yet to post by music selections of the past year. Shame on me.

All had a North American release in Aught-six, so here they are.

Top 10 Albums of 2006 (alphabetically):

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go
Cat Power - The Greatest
The Format - Dog Problems
Girl Talk - Night Ripper
Grand National - Kicking The National Habit
Hot Chip - The Warning
Placebo - Meds
Small Sins - Small Sins
Sufjan Stevens - Songs For Christmas
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones

Honourable Mentions:

Aberdeen City - The Freezing Atlantic
Band of Horses - Everything All The Time
Peter, Bjorn and John - Writer's Block
Sia - Colour The Small One
Shiny Toy Guns - We Are Pilots

Most Over-hyped Albums of 2006:

Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers
TV On The Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain